Hey you! Stop Getting Distracted

How creators and parents are taking back attention using one simple tool (ADHD-friendly).


6 months into building my one-person business and I’ve burnt the EFF out!

I’ve made $0 with Twitter — a platform I never intended to use.

Let’s rewind.

2 years ago, I found a whole new world online.

The creator economy.

Business gurus hand out advice like candy on Halloween:

  • Quit your 9-5

  • Post on every platform

  • Engage with big accounts

  • Build a business in 2 hours a day by yourself in 6-12 months


Why did I have a second job all of a sudden?

I spent 4 hours on Twitter, posting 5 tweets a day and then some.

So what went wrong?

I wasn’t clear on MY priorities. 

Building a one-person business on social media sounded like a dream.

But then I realized: Social media sucks.

It sucks the life from your soul.

As a non-creator, you scroll for hits of dopamine unconsciously.

"ENTERTAIN ME, I DON’T WANT TO WORK HARD RIGHT NOW," says your subconscious mind.

But as a creator, the risks are much worse.

Those tiny hits of dopamine are like crack to an addict.

You chase more than entertainment.

You chase engagement – views, likes, and followers in pursuit of something ambiguous.

  • Money?

  • Validation?

  • Status?

Surface-level stuff.

Posting viral content feels good in the moment but it’s short-term thinking.

And the new shiny rabbit hole gets you sidetracked.

We know this.

But it’s why you need focus.

Because social media is a slippery slide.

  • You’ll fall for the Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) trap.

  • You’ll find a way to distract yourself from meaningful work.

Get off of social media and go back to posting on YouTube,” I hear from a discussion between like-minded creators.

Then how will I grow and get clients?! YouTube takes too long to get traction,” he pleaded.

First of all, do you even WANT clients?

10 years from now, do you see yourself stuck on Zoom calls with people you don’t even like much?

All while you spend less time with your family.

If that suits your lifestyle, go for it.

But that’s why I’m not a full-time coach anymore.

If you’re tired of putting effort into goals that don’t energize you, listen closely.

You MUST figure out your lifestyle goal first.

For me, it was building a self-improvement YouTube channel around my developer job and family of 4 in the countryside.

A client or two wouldn’t take away from that but I needed to write that down in plain sight.

So here’s what I recommend:

Once your goal is clear and your energy is high, then ask:

  • How can I make this goal work AROUND my life?

  • Which actions are money-making or energizing?

  • How much of my day is wasted on figuring things out?

  • When does my energy seem to be highest? Lowest?

If you don’t know, you should. Because it’s simpler than you think.

Let me tell you the secret:

The answer isn’t in some guru’s high-ticket course, it’s within.

That’s why I developed The Focus Tracker Tool (step 3 of the Focus Fix).

The tool that helped me reflect and stop the cycle of digital distractions.

Reduced my screentime by 50% from 2 months ago.

It’s not perfect but it’s progress.

Because I’m no longer spending 5 hours a day on IG and X.

I don’t remember feeling so accomplished getting high-quality work done in my job and side hustle with time to spare!

Now my afternoons are spent with family or guilt-free creative time.

You might be tired of the same old productivity tricks like I was.

  • GTD

  • Eat the Frog

  • Time blocking

  • Second brain apps

  • Pomodoro technique

But have you honestly tried focusing on one long enough for it to work?

If not, you’re chasing quick dopamine again and the cycle continues.

Before using the tool, I would change my strategy too often and wondered why I never got respectable results.

So pause.

And take back control over your time, attention, and energy.

Because no additional information is gonna fix your distraction problem.

It’s your belief and choice to make it happen.

Here’s your chance:

Spend the same 6 minutes you’d check socials between meetings on this quick start video I made for the Focus Tool.

In my first 10 days of using it, my screen time went down 20%.

I’ve got the whole afternoon open for a walk with my family.

  • Content? Done.

  • 9-5 work? Done.

  • Learning block? Done.

I don’t know about you but I love an open calendar after 3 pm.

It’s only because I became fully aware of where my attention drifts throughout the day.

Download it now and win back yours.

Next week, I'll show you how I manage multiple interests and how to choose between them.

Stay focused,

Brand Marz


If you’re not convinced it’s worth your time, you might be inspired by Lyndsey.

As a mom with ADHD, she made The Focus Fix work around her life despite many responsibilities.

Lyndsey went from chronically overwhelmed to calm and collected.

You can too.

Just duplicate the file to your workspace.

Then send me your results (or questions). I’d love to hear about it!


or to participate.