• Focus Friday
  • Posts
  • Why you should NOT start a personal brand on X (Twitter)

Why you should NOT start a personal brand on X (Twitter)

The mistake that cost me (and many others) 2 years of wasted time.

Starting a personal brand business on X is a death sentence for beginners.

Here’s what your competition looks like:

  • 16-year-old copycatGPT-writers.

  • Business gurus who rode the wave of pre-Elon Twitter.

  • An algorithm of hype media like memes, politics, and posts about money.

It’s an uphill battle for people building with purpose.

2 years ago, I started creating YouTube videos – a long-time passion project.

But then I found Dan Koe.

He serves creators like you and I, Kool-aid in the form of business advice.

  1. Create a personal brand

  2. Post on Twitter

  3. Engage to grow

  4. Profit

Don’t take my word for it.

Here are takes from other creators:

Evan, a Christian YouTube Marketer, shared his “Money Twitter” experience.

Chris, a multidisciplinary creator, hilariously describes “guru advice” for beginners.

Matt, a father, who didn’t achieve the Welsh’s Promise but instead, Koe Money Koe Problems.

Don’t get me wrong, 85% of Justin and Dan’s advice is golden (wrapped in excellent marketing).

But if you’re not careful, it’s poison for parents and the purpose-driven.

For a few, it worked.

For some, it took off but they regretted selling their soul.

For most, it failed because it didn’t make sense for their true goals.

This begs the question:

Do you really need an entire business to feel happy or is it something completely different?

For example:

  • Connection with self-improvement friends.

  • Side income to support your life’s work.

  • A creative outlet to share your ideas.

  • 1-3 hours to explore your curiosity.

Before you trust a big name on the internet with favorable incentives, get clear on your true priorities.

Clarity comes from three things:

  1. What do you want concerning your ideal lifestyle? (goal or project)

  2. Why do you want it? A compelling reason that keeps you going when it’s easier to quit (your motivation).

  3. Does this align with how you operate? (your personality)

Without these, you end up climbing the wrong mountain.

If you don’t understand your core operating system, you won’t commit long-term for ANY strategy to work.

Sure, social media might help your idea go viral.

But if you’re overwhelmed by excess attention, then why chase it?

You’ll be left empty and burnt out.

Don't copy others without clarity.

Focus on that big project that excites you. Understand your tolerances. And find a compelling reason to make it work.

Luckily, I’ve got your back.

The Confidence in Clarity Workbook (step 1) of The Focus Fix helps you nail this.

Inside, we get clear on a “successful day” so you can progress on YOUR goals and not someone else’s.

So far, it’s gotten 20 downloads.

Pick it up free if you haven’t already.

Next week, we’ll dive into energy, motivation, and triggers to improve performance on your big project.

Cheers to a clear mind and learning from our mistakes.

Stay focused,

Brand Marz


Using the workbook prompts, I’ve made the newsletter and YouTube my main focus.

Plus, I’ve worked closely with 5 people to ensure they’re getting the clarity they need using The Focus Fix.

It’s gone so well that I’ve considered closing the toolkit after 30 downloads to make it a paid course.

So pick it up soon if interested!

Check it out and duplicate it to your workspace to edit your copy.


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