The simplest energy hack you're NOT using

How I keep my energy high and stress low without long morning routines.

Picture this:

You wake up and go through your 7-step morning routine:

  • Restroom

  • Water

  • Coffee

  • Stretching

  • Meditation

  • Journaling

  • Cold shower?

Uh, no. I hate cold showers!

They’re all hype. So don’t feel bad for loving those long warm ones. You’re not alone.

Back to the scene….

By now, you feel energized (hopefully) and ready to tackle the day.

Time for deep work.

But as the day progresses, you start to feel tired and overwhelmed.

Forgotten commitments reappear….

And by noon, you’ve gotten derailed by your phone, environment, or overthinking mind.

You force yourself to work more but hit a mental wall.


By 6 pm, your energy’s back, but you’re too mentally fatigued to be productive.

Trust me.

I've been through that rollercoaster too.

So today, I want to give you a simple but powerful tip to regain energy without bloated morning routines.

If you're reading, you have one of two goals:

  1. Create content as a side hustle because you’re multi-passionate.

  2. Get ahead in your 9-5 job or business because you’re ambitious.

The problem with these traits is taking on more than you can truly handle.

Because after the initial excitement wears off, your motivation drops.

The culprits?

Too many open loops and decision fatigue.

It's even worse if you work from home.

Because your mind has no transition to switch gears and relax.

So how do we deal with it?

Quit social media?

In theory, this makes sense.

Destroy the thing that messes up your mental health in the first place, right?

But if you’re building an online business or personal brand, social media is a necessary evil.

How else will people see your stuff?

Sure, authors like Cal Newport have built their brands off of social media.

But they are the exception, not the rule.

One thing I’ve learned from Newport and Essentialism is this:

Do less but better

What do I mean?

Productivity isn't about doing more.

It's about doing less but better (with enough energy left over to be kind to your kids).


  1. Like choosing the one platform you like most to create on.

  2. Only allow social media a 4-hour evening block.

  3. Stop buying another course to feel “ready” to launch your YouTube channel.

Honestly, it’s hard not to get shiny object syndrome as a creator.

So I'll show you the two simplest ways to do less but better allowing you to:

  • 2x your daily energy output

  • Regain 2-3 hours per day

  • And build habits that stick

Use these two Laws of Productivity when planning your day or week.

  1. Simplify - How can I make my current task simpler?

  2. Eliminate - What can I remove from this list that isn’t serving my #1 priority?

Simplifying is as easy as doing fewer things because you only have 24 hours daily, so make them count.

Elimination is as simple as saying NO more often and by default to protect your time and energy.

You COULD be doing a million things to “make it” as a creator but that doesn’t mean you should.

Why not channel all that lost energy to ONE thing daily, done within your best ability?

Then you can improve that skill over time to compound the results.

A meditation habit makes learning new skills so much easier, so make it your goal to increase your mindfulness for the next 3 months.

If not meditation, choose whichever skill makes the most sense for your situation.

The key takeaway?

Reduce excess to produce excellent.

Stay focused,

Brand Marz.


Doing less is easier said than done with endless opportunities at your fingertips.

So if you need help managing multiple interests, check out last week's deep dive.

You'll love how actionable it is.

It should be a paid product but I enjoyed writing it so much I made it free to read.

Reply with one thing you’re eliminating right now.

Here’s mine:

Looking for a truck (it’s a low priority I can wait on).

Let’s use that mental energy for something meaningful.


or to participate.