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  • The Problem with Motivation (and why you don't have it)

The Problem with Motivation (and why you don't have it)

Constant ambition is a myth. We've been lied to...

Society will have you believe that we have to be motivated all the time.

They lump everyone into this one-size-fits-all approach.

This is wrong on many levels.

People have different motivational styles, just as they have different body types and dietary needs.

A few examples:

  • The RDA 2000 calorie recommendation.

  • Everyone takes the same tests in school.

  • The standard of becoming a high earner by focusing on one thing for 40 years.

  • Meds get prescribed through some standard protocol regardless of genetic background.

They expect everyone to fit some average that's "best for most people."

Western medicine prescribes pills like candy on Halloween, regardless of the underlying issue.

What happens as a result?

It helps some, others form a dependency, and the rest get worse (there are always side effects at the end of those commercials).

If we end up on one tail end of the spectrum, we're fucked.

The same is true of motivation.

Society praises high-earners who can focus on one job for 2+ years to be the most successful.

But what if I told you there's an unspoken truth?

What if you could "hack" your own unique style of learning and motivation based on science and an ancient system of medicine?

Motivational style is written in your DNA.

We can access motivation based on our genetics and personality type.

This concept originated in ancient India.

A system of medicine called Ayurveda classifies people into 3 "doshas" based on their dietary and cognitive preferences.

In this article, we will focus on the mental aspects.

The 3 Motivational Styles

Think of doshas as a class type in an RPG (role-playing game). You have warriors, mages, archers, healers, and so on.

We have a natural affinity for one but possess a little bit of all.

Doshas relate to the elements of wind, fire, and earth.

The wind type (vata) has a dynamic motivation:

  • Easily motivated but easily bored.

  • Quick learner, but quick to forget.

  • Prone to ADHD and anxiety.

They can benefit from frequent changes and variety in their work and personal life.

The strategy I've found most helpful is to have 3-4 things they are working on over a long time frame.

Rotate between those things when one of them gets boring.

Vatas often excel in creative fields where they can use their natural energy to generate new ideas and concepts.

The fire type (pitta) has a driven motivation (the one society loves):

  • Constant ambition.

  • Learns and retains at a decent pace.

  • Prone to burnout, anger, and intolerance of "slower" people.

They are high earners with stable workdays, but their ambition can exceed their stamina, leading to burnout.

Fewer breaks and practicing mindfulness can help them avoid becoming overwhelmed over a long period.

Pittas often excel in leadership roles where they can use their natural charisma to inspire others.

The earth type (kapha) has a resilient motivation:

  • Takes a bit of time to get going.

  • Learns slowly but never forgets.

  • Highly self-critical and prone to depression.

They are slow to start, but once they get going, they are stable, dependable, and consistent.

Often late bloomers, kaphas take time to find their footing, but once they do, they are a force to be reckoned with.

Setting clear goals and breaking them down into manageable steps benefit them to avoid feeling stressed.

Kaphas often excel in roles where attention to detail and perseverance are key, such as accounting or engineering.

How to Find Your Dosha

Finding our unique dosha combination is the key to unlocking the potential we have individually to make progress.

Personally, I instantly aligned most with the wind type – vata.

I tend to work best in sprints and get bored of something really quickly.

After taking some tests, I found that I am actually a hybrid: vata-kapha.

Most people will have some traits of all but gravitate towards one or two.

Find yours using these two tests (1 and 2).

The study is also linked here in case you were curious about the legitimacy of the system.

Once you find your dosha type, you'll want to adapt your workflow to that pattern.

Disclaimer: This isn't medical advice. This is meant for informative purposes. If you have harmful thoughts, please get help.

80% of your success is introspection and personal experience.

Take the time to understand yourself in-depth.

I cannot stress this enough.

If we rely on society and other people to tell us what to do, we'll always feel behind, never good enough, and doubtful about ourselves.

My current interest is finding out more about how I operate best.

But there are many layers to peel back.

Form a routine that works around your schedule and make self-actualization a priority.

It's worth it.

Imagine your life where you fully understand your strengths and weakness.

You have the plan to improve and grow like never before.

Your mind, body, and spirit are aligned, and it’s only a matter of time before you’re living your ideal life.

It all starts with awareness.

This video has a deeper dive into the doshas and their tendencies.

I encourage you to explore this topic further for your unique type!

Understanding your unique style brings far more success than any medicine could

We know that we can't trust the system.

The health industry has questionable practices and standards, so who can you turn to?

Yourself. Your experience. Your potential.

Government "welfare" is outdated and dangerous, especially for modern minds.

Imagine 6-12 months from now with your new approach to motivation.

You may not always be driven, but now you know HOW to align with your personal strengths.

None of us are exclusive.

We need every type of person to create a thriving world.

Let's start by becoming more of our authentic selves and bringing that vision to light.

Hope this was helpful!

What dosha are you? What are your thoughts on this concept?

As always if you got value out of this, let me know with a reply or DM on Twitter!

How else can I help you?

Want clarity on your personal or professional systems? Book a free strategy call with me!

Or check out any of the valuable resources I use below!

See you next time!


  • Strategy Call (limited time): 25-minute insight-packed call with Brand Marz on achieving your health, creative, and professional goals.

  • The Essentials Workout Plan: a simple, minimalist workout plan to help you start your fitness journey and stick to it long-term.

  • Speechify: emails, articles, ebooks, and more are read to you at up to 4.5x speed ($60 off link).

  • Content OS: set up a content creation machine to systemize your weekly workflow.

  • Hypefury: schedule unlimited tweets and save your ideas in a clean dashboard while saving 4 hours per week.


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