The 5 Pillars for Physique Mastery

Here's the raw "summer-ready" ingredients to cook up a body and mind that lasts a lifetime.

Summer is 3 months away.

Are you ready?

If not, how much longer are you going to wait?

Right now is the perfect time to get in the best shape of your life.

How many more years will pass before you lose the oversized T-shirt and go shirtless or wear a bikini with confidence?

Still not motivated or energetic enough to play with the kids?

If you’re tired of feeling miserable about your fitness, health, and lack of energy or simply desire massive improvement – this is your sign.

Look – I’ve been on both ends of the spectrum:

  • Skinny, soft, and weak (not a good look for a young man).

  • Dad-bod, overweight, tired (not a good role model for my kids).

Brandon’s Fitness Journey (150 lbs, 200 lbs, 180 lbs)

I hate the feeling of being mediocre but hey I get it.

Life happens.

You’ve been through some hard, stressful times.

  • At home

  • At school

  • In the office

  • With family and friends

I’ve been there too.

But let’s break that cycle.

In order to achieve your dream body and peak performance, you’re going to need a handful of things.

The realm of fitness and health have been my most rewarding areas of study for the past 10 years.

Today you’ll get the best and most important tools you NEED to make your fitness goals a reality.

I’ve trained many successful clients: pregnant women, skinny dudes, obese dads, elderly grandmothers, etc.

The biggest reason they failed to stick with a routine: they lacked accountability.

I’m going to be your accountability partner for the duration of this article.

I’ll give you the ingredients to cook up a physique that demands RESPECT.

As a result, you will have the tools you need to be “summer-ready” for life:

Let’s jump in!

The 5 Pillars of Physique Mastery

1) Mindset Modeling

This may just be the most important step.

Mindset is everything.

Your sense of awareness determines the quality of your actions.

Sounds corny but in order to achieve something, you must believe you can do it.

This requires mindfulness.

Start to become aware of:

These are common limiting beliefs & actions but result in common outcomes.

Do this daily:

Start a morning routine with meditation, journaling, and sharing what you’re grateful for.

This ensures your day starts on a positive note.

2) Non-Diet Nutrition

Pillar number two ultimately determines how you look and feel.

The body is your life’s vehicle. It needs the right fuel and maintenance.

a wise crack

Don’t drive on “E” for 40 years only to pay the price in hospital bills later.

A few key takeaways from my Non-Diet that has kept me lean, energetic, and productive:

  • Find your maintenance calories (body weight x 12)

  • + or - 200 calories depending on weight goal (gain or loss)

  • Consume your daily protein goal (body weight in lbs x 1 gram)

  • Eat gut-healthy foods (green veggies, probiotics, & fiber)

Diets are terrible.

What happens when going back to a “normal” eating routine?

You need something sustainable for life.

Another option is to eat foods that have only 1 ingredient 80-90% of the time.

This is a more advanced approach but helps after you get a better idea of how much you’re intaking.

Tracking your food in an app like MyFitnessPal is a great way to gain that awareness.

3) Elementary Exercise

Fuck man.

People really tend to overcomplicate this (I’m guilty of it too).

You don’t need a complex workout routine – even an advanced trainee like myself.

Minimalism works best when starting out.

The only things you need to get stronger, build muscle, and look good naked:

  • Progressive overload

  • Time-efficient workouts

  • Pushing each set to failure (or close)

  • 2-3 strength training workouts per week

  • Exercises that effectively target all muscle groups

It’s that simple.

These concepts are covered in depth in this article.

I even give you a free program to start with!

You can also find many really good programs on the internet like T-Nation or on YouTube.

4) Catalyst Community

We often fail to keep our word to ourselves.

But we’re more likely to hold a promise to others.

Why is that?

No one wants to look bad and be exiled from our tribe.

Primal instincts aside, we end up having more fun when we pursue a hard goal with others.

Take advantage of this fact.

Join a group that is also on the same journey as you.

Find someone you can trust, join with them, and commit to pushing yourself in a friendly environment.

Better yet, get involved in a 30-day challenge!

I’m hosting one this coming month and would love for you to join us.

You can check it out here if you’re interested.

We cover all pillars of fitness mastery in there, and you get access to me to ask any questions on the things you may be having trouble with.

5) The Master’s Method

All great masters and experts were once apprentices.

They studied under great leaders before them.

Anything learned I’ve learned rapidly has been through a personal mentor or coach.

A good coach has the ability to guide you through YEARS of mistakes and roadblocks – shaving that time off of your own journey.

If you want to accelerate your progress even further, consider hiring one.

They aren’t cheap but time is money.

My mentor helped me save 3 years of progress and pain in 3 months.

Final thoughts

Hope these sparked some excitement in rekindling your fitness journey.

As always if you got value out of this, let me know with a reply or DM on Twitter!

How else can I help you?

Want clarity on your personal or professional systems? Book a free strategy call with me!

Or check out any of the valuable resources I use below!

See you next time!



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  • Speechify: Emails, articles, ebooks, and more are read to you at up to 4.5x speed. ($60 off link).

  • 2-Hour Writer: Learn a marketable skill writing 1-2 hours per day that translates to a promotion, a business, or bringing clarity to your overactive mind.

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