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  • How to Find Balance in the Overwhelming Creator Economy

How to Find Balance in the Overwhelming Creator Economy

My 3 systems for regaining time, increasing output, and gaining clarity in my workflow.

If you’re anything like me, this is how a typical day goes for you:

You wake up and go through your 7-step morning routine:

  • Restroom

  • Water

  • Coffee

  • Stretching

  • Meditation

  • Optional habit 1

  • Optional habit 2

By this time, you feel energized (maybe) and ready to tackle the day.

Time for deep work.

You either:

  1. Create content as a side hustle because you’re multi-passionate.

  2. Get ahead in your 9-5 job or business because you’re ambitious.

But as the day progresses, you start to feel tired and overwhelmed.

Tasks start to pop up in your mind…

Forgotten obligations start to resurface….

And by noon, you’ve gotten derailed by your phone, your environment, or more commonly – your overanalyzing mind.

You push yourself to work more, but frustration sets in.

By 6 pm, your energy is back, but you’re too mentally fatigued to be productive.

Sound familiar? Me too.

This rollercoaster of energy and productivity is all too familiar for many of us multi-passionates building online.

Let’s explore potential solutions.

The Digital Double-Edged Sword

Many high achievers like us aspire to squeeze productivity into every minute of the day.

You strive to make the most of your time, but you often find yourself bombarded with random inputs and decision fatigue, tanking your energy.

Moreover, in the era of remote work, there's no transition time for your mind to switch gears and relax.

Burnout via overstimulation is all too common.

So how do we deal with it?

In theory, this makes sense.

Kill the thing that fucks up our mental health in the first place.

But if you’re building online, social media is a traffic generator that is second to none.

Sure, there are people like Cal Newport and others who’ve built their brands off of social media.

But after quitting social media myself a few times, I still believe it’s a necessary evil.

Productivity Pathfinder

Okay, then how can we navigate the digital economy without getting sucked into the vortex of algorithmic addiction and ADHD-inducing screentime routines?

3 key components have helped me:

  • Develop a content creation workflow

  • 2x my daily energy output

  • Gain 2-3 hours back per day

  • Build habits that stick

The answer lies in rest and less.

Yes, you read that right.


But that’s only 2???

The third is optional but recommended.

Let me explain.

1) Recharge

Rest is the key to replenishing your energy and performing at your best.

Obviously, but rest just makes me lazier, doesn’t it?


When your phone runs out of battery, do you tap it harder and criticize it for shifting into “low-power” mode?

No. You charge it.

Stop being cruel to yourself and give yourself the recharge you need.

There are many ways to do this:

Give yourself at least 10 minutes of rest for every hour of focused work.

This doesn’t mean scrolling on your phone, gossiping with your friends, or listening to music.

Sit with your thoughts and relax or turn your mind off and move.

2) Less is more

There are 4 simple rules to productivity and essentialism.

Ask yourself these questions when evaluating your systems, tasks, or projects:

  • Simplify - How can I make this simpler?

  • Eliminate - What can I get rid of that isn’t serving my purpose?

  • Outsource - What recurring tasks can I get someone else (or AI) to do for me?

  • Automate - How can I use software tools to do admin or mundane tasks for me?

Even one of these methods gives your brain a lot less load to process.

3) Build a second brain

By building a second brain, you can create a structured and efficient system that allows you to optimize your focus, manage information overload, and regain control over your work and personal life.

There are 2 frameworks I use:

  1. C.O.D.E.

  2. P.A.R.A.

For CODE, use a notes app or notepad.

  • Capture - Write the idea down ASAP

  • Organize - Process all ideas daily

  • Distill - Review the best ones

  • Express - Share online

For PARA, you organize your digital space with these folders:

  • Projects - Smaller efforts that you take on with a specific goal in mind.

  • Areas - Responsibilities without a deadline to manage over time.

  • Resources - Topics & interests that may be useful in the future

  • Archive - Discarded items that you don’t want to trash yet.

Closing thoughts

I understand even these might seem overwhelming.

These systems aren’t meant to solve all your problems at once.

I’ve adapted them to my lifestyle and taken what works best for my unique situation.

But imagine this:

  • Actualizing your productive potential.

  • Working on your goals with a decluttered mind.

  • Enhanced decision-making skills, and unmatched efficiency.

  • Effortlessly balancing your work, side hustles, and personal life.

  • Easily accessing your wealth of knowledge with your second brain.


Productivity isn't about constantly pushing yourself to the limit.

It's about finding sustainable ways to achieve your goals while prioritizing your well-being.

If you're curious about how my refined workflow techniques can transform your productivity and create a harmonious work-life balance, I'd love to chat with you.

Together, we can explore personalized strategies and tools that will help you find clarity in your workflow.

If you’re interested, book a call with me here (no strings attached).

Otherwise, feel free to connect with me on socials, or check out my resources below.

Talk soon!



  • Modern Mastery: Join a like-minded group of individuals committed to self-mastery, building an online business, and gaining financial freedom.

  • Dad’s Online Business Toolbox: Join a community of men who are building families, online businesses, and legacies. Free modules are added every month!

Content Mastery:

  • Speechify: Emails, articles, ebooks, and more are read to you at up to 4.5x speed. ($60 off link).

  • 2-Hour Writer: Learn a marketable skill writing 1-2 hours per day that translates to a promotion, a business, or bringing clarity to your overactive mind.

  • Content OS: Set up a content creation machine to systemize your weekly workflow.

  • Hypefury: Schedule unlimited tweets and save your ideas in a clean dashboard while saving 4 hours per week.


or to participate.