Dancing with death fangs

How a rattlesnake taught me to let go of FREE stuff.

Sunday morning.

Typical warm day in Texas – it’s 9 am and 85 degrees F.

I jump on the old lawn mower handed down from my father-in-law.

No go.

I try again.

…woah what’s that…

My heart dropped like a new iPhone 15 Pro into a park porta-potty…

No AppleCare.

Pure panic and a sinking realization that this day just took a wild turn.

Greeted by a fork-shaped tongue. Coiled body. Diamond-pattern – the devil serpent himself stared me in the face just 5 feet away.

I knew it.

Never should’ve saved that excess lumber just in case, to save some money.

Long story short, my dad’s a carpenter and saved a bunch of leftover wood from a job he worked a few months back.

He’s always saved stuff like that. He calls it smart but I call it hoarding.

It’s how people in the lower-middle class think but it promotes a scarcity mindset.

Saving any little thing that might be useful but costs you energy and time when your house is a mess full of junk.

Let me get to the point.

He started with the wrong mindset.

The mindset that some of us got brought up with – to save every little thing that might be useful.

How many free PDFs or eBooks do you have sitting in your files collecting digital dust?

No shame, I’ve lost track of mine – my Finder folder tells me: 50+ GB

That’s why mindset is important.

  • Your beliefs

  • Experiences

  • Values

If you don’t establish good ones early, they’ll be set for you.

By society, your peers, and your parents.

You don’t want their chaotic life, so why follow their example?

People will believe what everyone else says because society has taught them to value status, prestige, and social validation.

A mindset block will stop you from getting the result you want, no matter how good your systems, tactics, or hacks are.

To achieve a good life you want, you MUST embody the traits of the person who lives that life.

Make sense?

A millionaire can stay a millionaire because of their mindset.

Give a poor man a million dollars and he'll lose it within a year.

In the case of the rattlesnake, I should’ve politely turned down the extra lumber for space around my shed, so they aren’t likely to hide there.

What clutter can you let go of that will bring about more clarity in your mind and life?

Focus is about doing better with less.

Don’t let the cost of free clutter cost you casualties in your casa (house).


I ended up saving 4 kittens under my shed. The momma and babies are alive and well.

The rattler on the other hand…well…

Let’s just say he’s seen better days.

All is clear.

And speaking of clarity, next week I’ll show you how the 3 layers of clear thinking help you stop sabotaging yourself and burning out from starting a real business.

See you there!

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