Advice to a YOLO internet wantrepreneur...

Rewind 11 years back - TVA forbidden.

Let’s rewind time 11 years back…


It’s 2013, and a young man named Brand gets dumped.

Feels bad but I don’t blame the girl.

  • She’s a Christian and looking for long-term family life.

  • He’s a momma’s boy who doesn’t know what the hell he wants.

I’ll save you the details but Brand decides,

F*** it. She don’t know what she’s missing. I’m gonna get jacked…

Dude didn’t realize he was about to change his life…for the better.

This change was far sweeter than revenge.

I first wanted to become an Internet Entrepreneur 6 months after starting my fitness journey.

Watching my role model fitness YouTubers like Elliot Hulse, Omar Isuf, and Kinobody.

I wanted their lifestyle.

  • Recording fitness videos for a living.

  • Teaching others how to get in shape.

  • Walking around looking like a Greek statue.

  • Getting paid over 6-figures of internet money.

What 20-year-old wouldn't?

At 30, my perspective has shifted (drastically).

Thank God for that spark, I built the body, confidence, career, and family I wanted.

But starting an online business…took far too long!

My biggest problem?

The wrong mindset.

Because a mindset block makes you inefficient, adding two shackles to your legs.

Low confidence and doubt.

They stop you from becoming the person who lives your dream life.

If I could rewind time, here's what I'd tell that punk:

Fail more.

You don’t learn by thinking, you learn by doing ma boy.

No more YouTube learning procrastination buddy. You want just-in-time information, not just-in-case.

Holy crap!

And if you fail enough, you just might discover you didn't want that thing after all.

But wait a decade to act, and you're gonna have to do it over again only to find out what you would've known sooner.

Like many of us, Brand lacked one important thing:


Do you ever wish you could go back in time and tell yourself a thing or two?

I’m no Dr. Strange but let me show you the system I’d give him if I could (just don’t get caught by the TVA — Marvel reference).

It’s called the 5 Pillars of Performance and Purpose:

I created this for clarity on my business and I think you’ll get a lot of insights from it too.

Stay focused,

Brand M.


You can skip the timeline and learn what young Brand wishes he knew by grabbing the Focus Fix here.

I made it for internet creatives like you to get high-quality work done in less time (without the shackles of distraction like social media).

Next week I’ll share the overview and first stage of the process in more detail.


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